16 December 2012

Oh, beeteetubbs

I quit....

but I already have a babysitting job lined up that pays me twice as much....so I'm not too torn up about it.  And....we get to go to Iowa for Christmas...

I think I made a mistake...

I bought skinny jeans....

I look like a meatballs on toothpicks....This was too embarrassing to post as a Facebook status....

Although, Ed, my mom, and a BFF said they look pretty cute.... I'll wear them....sometimes...

13 December 2012

How do you....

quit a job?  Especially, when you don't want to give them the professional 2 weeks notice?  I basically had the final straw today at the big ole craft store (we're not supposed to say the name of it on social media, especially if we're not saying positive things. Not that I think my blog, with a whole readership of 2 will have any affect on said craft store).

After just a few weeks of working there, they wanted to promote me to manager....I guess because the current management can't get it under the control, and I had control of the front in in a few short weeks.  But then the big boss came in and made a bunch of cuts, so I actually didn't get promoted.

I feel like I work too hard, for too little.  I'm always available when then need me and when they say jump, I generally ask how high?  They've been able to call me in on my day off and I've been there.  They also ask me to stay late all the time, which I do, no questions asked.  They give me tasks that they expect to get done while I serve the customers.  and I do. and I do it well. and fast.  So fast, they bring me more stuff to do and comment on how other employees can't get their acts together and do anything.

Well, today, after having arranged everything with another employee to have Saturday off, because I haven't had a Saturday off since I started working, it all fell through.  I had asked another employee to switch with me, which she agreed to.  Then I asked the manager to change it on the schedule to make it official.

The next morning, I noticed that it had not been changed.  So I asked the employee again if it was ok, she agreed again, and then I told the manager again.  So after about  FIVE days of this, I asked again and the manager said, oh well the employee said she might not be able to switch, ask again.  So I did.  And of course, the employee now says she couldn't.

Has the manager switched it five days ago when I asked the first time and all was agreed to, I wouldn't have to worry about finding someone to "cover my shift."  Which two management members told me, very rudely, that I still had to do.

Had Manager1 taken care of everything, I would be all set.  I already tried to get my shift covered.  Manager1 didn't carry it out on her end, confusing the employee who then went ahead and made plans for Saturday.

It's not hard.  I mean, had manager1 (who is the hiring manager and makes the schedules) had done her job in a timely manner, you know, like I am expected to do and DO do, then I would not have gotten the shaft, like I ALWAYS do!

So therefore, after lining about some better paying jobs, in which I work less and get paid almost double, I would like to quit Craftstore without giving two weeks, because I don't need them as a reference.  And they can have the shaft!

(Although, I feel bad, because they probably get the shaft every day by other more incompetent employees.  annnnnd it's the holiday season.......grrrrrrr...bah, humbug.)