20 April 2011

the bad...

The reason for starting this blog is to have a place to let our friends and family know what's going on.  So for those of you who don't know yet, here's some of the bad that's going on.

Last year Ed's dad, my father-in-law, Rich, was diagnosed with lung cancer.  He had surgery to remove a portion of one of his lungs and that was the last we heard of it...until now.

A few weeks ago, while bringing groceries in, he collapsed with a mild stroke.  Now I'm not sure of all the details, but he has recovered from that, only to find blood clots in his lungs.  On further testing, they also found spots on his liver.  After more testing, they found that the spot on his liver is cancer.  Although the doctor wasn't sure of the stage at that point in time, we were told that he has six to twelve months.

To get more answers, they took his scans to their normal doctor and after some reviewing, have determined that he has stage 3.5-4 liver cancer and that the diagnosis of six to twelve months is accurate.

This week, both Rich and Karen (my MIL) will travel to the Mayo clinic in hopes of finding out more about Rich's cancer.

Although we live far away, we wish that we could be there in Iowa for Ed's family.  They are planning to travel here to Florida to see us, and then sometime later, we will travel to Iowa to be with them.  As of right now, we are all trying to stay positive, hope for the best outcome, and we're staying busy in order to deal with the situation as best as we know how.

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