23 May 2011


We always worry about things when we're gone for an extended length of time.  First, is the car safe where we parked it.  Yes!  Second, did someone break in....  Well we pulled up and a light was on that we didn't leave on.  But it's not the culprit you may think it to be.

We knew this would happen, we've just been avoiding it because we do not have a way to fix it.  But after moving to four different apartments in three different states.  The ol Ikea bookshelf decided to give up. And while on her way down, she managed to flip the light switch.

She's been holding on to alll those books for sooooo long.  From first glance, it seem like the only damage is to one of my two matching lamps (it's shattered) and my avocado seeds (which were all knocked over and their water spilled on the carpet...which is now dry and doesn't seem to show any signs of the incident).  We'll see tomorrow morning if there is any more damage.

And the last thing we always wonder (if we didn't take her with us), is Ebba ok?  I'm pretty sure she is.  She's in good hands and we'll pick her up tomorrow afternoon.

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