12 June 2012

new !

I did want to add another update for those of you who did not know.  Although, I'm pretty sure you all know and it hits another one of those words for 2012, NEW!

Ed got a NEW job in Colorado at the University of Boulder.  So we moved to a NEW state that we have never lived in before and only visited once.  I am looking for a NEW job here.  We have a NEW apartment that's pretty nice and we bought a NEW couch from IKEA, because we're cheap like that.  Ed will also be teaching a class in the fall, which will be a NEW experience for him.

Dealing with the altitude is not exactly a new experience since we visited in may and got a taste of it.  Although, dealing with the altitude sickness and bronchitis at the same time is in fact a NEW experience for me.

annnnnd now that our little family (me, Ed, and Ebba) is reunited, we plan on making a NEW addition to the family!   At some point this year we would like to welcome a new fur-baby!  I've been going back and forth on breeds from lab to husky...to lab to husky...and then I found the Alaskan Malamute and right now, I'm stuck on them.  I even contacted a breeder in the general area.  Ed first said maybe in August, but we shall see...

Is this pup adorable or what!?

From the Breeder I found in CO

1 comment:

  1. So cute, I support getting that dog! Glad to hear you're safe and sound in CO. I love that state!
