17 April 2013

Cheat Day Fail

So because my diet is so strict these days, I implemented a cheat day.  On cheat day, I can basically eat what I want, but as I've progressed in changing my eating habits, this hasn't been so bad.  NOrmally I would eat a bunch of crap, but I'm working on that.

So I promised Ed that I would eat Indian food with him...so we did that.  I noticed I couldn't eat nearly as much as I use to.  Nor a bad thing, just an observation.

I had also decided to bake.  The weather feels like baking weather to me, and it was cheat day!  I could eat baked goods.  So I made a Peach Cobbler and a Peach Pound Cake.  The cobbler was delish. Nom Nom Nom.  The cake was good too, reminded me of a German cake...brings back good memories.  I actually ate a lot of the cobbler...maybe too much.  And I had a tiny piece of the cake.

For dinner I had my regular veggie sandwich from Jimmy John's...gotta love JJ's.

But that was my food intake for the day.

Doesn't sound toooooo bad for a self proclaimed sugar addict.  But when I woke up this morning I had pretty bad heart burn.  Like...not fun.

The only way for me to get rid of heart burn....is to barf.  Meds don't work.

So yeah, lesson learned...don't eat so much sugary crap.

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to email me those recipes! Peach cobbler and peach pound cake both sound DELICIOUS!
