22 July 2011

Dear baby girl parents,

Please, for the love of god, quit putting those awful headbands on your babies.  It’s not cute, it’s actually kinda tacky.  Especially those huge one where you can’t see the babies head, I mean, what are you thinking when you take that thing in to a phorotgrapher and you get your baby’s photos back and all you can really see of the kid is a big headband?  Don’t you want pictures of your actually baby?

Let’s check some of these out…

You have the flat out tacky.
Why yes, let’s put a row of daisies across my kids forehead, it’ll be sooo cute.  No, you’re wrong, it’s not cute.  It looks cheap.  Just stop.

Oh, even better.  Rather than a row of flowers, let’s put a flower as big as the kids head.  Oh and we’ll throw in a huge fake plastic sparkly thing in the middle to jazz it up a bit. 
Wrong, again.  Just. Stop.

Then, let’s add all kinds of shit to it so that we can barely recognize the kid.   A big tutu, because every girl wants to be a ballerina, right?  This weird mesh top, and again a huge ugly flower on her head.  Perfect. BARF.  I really can't even comment on this trend.  It just scares me.  I feel sorry for these girls...

Look at the expression on this kids face.  I mean come on.  She doesn’t even like the thing on her head!

Oh I ran out of flowers, we’ll do a feather thing instead.  Nooooooooooo…

Now don’t get me wrong, some of these CAN BE cute, not so tacky, and actually appear to be well made and not just some craft store stuff glued together.  But these have more of an elegant only for photos kind of feel to them.. You wouldn’t see the kid wearing it anywhere else other than this photo.  For example, this one isn’t too bad.

It looks well made, and there is a color theme going on and it all ties nicely together.

So new and old baby girl moms..please stop.


  1. While I can agree with you that the simple knit or lace band is ugly, I disagree with you on the flowers. I think they're pretty cute. And as someone who makes money from selling handmade items to be used in baby pictures, I'm surprised you haven't jumped on the bandwagon.

    But mostly I think babies just arent as adorable as everyone thinks they are, and need flowers to jazz them up. Except your babies, they wont need flowers. :P

  2. I am opposed to giant flowers on a baby's head. They must be proportionate to the size of the baby. I, as an adult, won't even wear hair ornamentation that large. I'm just sayin'...

    And...I still need to talk to you about making P some beanies/hats for winter that are super cute! Let me know if you have some cute ideas/patterns!
