06 November 2011

The big 2-9...

In other words, the crapiest birthday yet.

I was supposed to be born on Halloween, or so my mother says.  But I came a few days early.  Now for some, having a birthday so close to Halloween would make them hate it…not me.  Halloween is one of my most favorite times of the year.  I love the costumes, the decorating, the parties, and most importantly the candy…because I’m a sugar addict, you know?

Some of my fondest memories are of my Halloween birthday parties.  In kindergarten, we had the whole class over and we bobbed for apples, had a piñata, and had a sort of haunted house through an old part of our house that was unfinished, complete with fog machine, scary lights and sounds, and some pretty creepy looking gouly fake people.  Fun was had by all.

I went through a patch about 4th grade, where I just wasn’t cool enough, and no one wanted to come to my birthday parties.  One year, only one of my sister’s friends showed up.  But then about 7th grade, it picked back up.  I had a Halloween dance at the house.  It was awesome.

Throughout the years, we always put up this scene on the dining room table, complete with a tree (a real tree branch), a cemetery, a witch and her caldron, a cat some ghosts, etc., allll handmade.  It’s still around here somewhere.  But I remember the first year we had it all set up.  It was awesome and I’m sure it still is if we still have it.  Not sure, I should ask mom.  I think some of it was starting to deteriorate, I mean, it is 20+ years old.

Birthdays were good for a while.  In college, I remember having some pretty awesome birthdays.  I think my favorite was a Halloween party we threw at the apartment we lived in.  Not many people came, but my closests were there.  And that’s all that really mattered to me.  I decorated, made some goulish treats, music and dancing, fun was had by all.

Even in to grad school I had some pretty awesome birthdays.  Since time was of the essence (no one had any because we were always studying), the parties became calmer (?).  I had a pumpkin carving party.  It turned out pretty awesome because a few of us, after carving the pumpkins, took them over to a professors house.  We rang her doorbell and hid in the bushes.  We gave ourselves away because we couldn’t stop laughing.  Fun times…fun times…

Even my birthdays in Germany were pretty awesome.  Germans don’t have Halloween, but once I told them about it AND that my birthday was so close and I LOVED having Halloween inspired birthday parties, they jumped on board.  I would venture to say that Germans were more enthusiastic about it than my American friends.

Back in the states, the joy died down.  Everyone always had somewhere else to go, a better Halloween party to attend.  It’s like you have to book people years in advance, but they still have plans and don’t want to just have a “lame” Halloween birthday party.  It’s been a while since I had a birthday party in general, much less a Halloween one.  And that comes from many reasons, one being that all my friends are spread out over the world, well Europe and the states.  No one really wants to travel for a birthday party, and they always have something better to do anyway that involves cooler people. And now I’m whining, sappy sappy, bblah, blah..

This year however, seemed to be one of the most forgetful and sucky.  One, because I couldn’t even spend my birthday with my husband and two, because there was absolutely no cake to be had.  I mean, I might as well say my birthday didn’t even happen.  A birthday without cake is just another day.  So for all intent and purposes, I did not have a birthday this year.  I guess that means that I’m not actually 29, but I’m still 28 (?). 

This was also the first year that I wasn’t excited at all about Halloween.  Just too much going on to think about things like Halloween.  Between school work, grad school work, long distance relationship, commuting, and trying not to get killed, I’ve been a little preoccupied.

Maybe next year will be better, because I love Halloween and this year was just totally unacceptable.

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