13 November 2011

On being thankful…

A lot of my friends on Facebook are doing a daily “I am thankful for…” post.  It’s kind of interesting to see what people are thankful for.  I thought about sarcastically posting that I was thankful Monday-Friday for not killing myself as I sleepily commute to school in the morning and that I’ve made it (safely) through each work day. And then Saturday and Sunday I am thankful for not having to put up with those little sh…er..lovely students that I “teach” Monday-Friday.  However, I began thinking about it.  There are many things in my life that I am thankful for, so here she goes (in no particular order):

  1. my upbringing
  2. the fact that I have a job with a decent pay check
  3. Mighty Miss Ebba Jean Lucille
  4. Family
  5. Sleep
  6. Technology with which I can use to see my husband on a daily basis
  7. Edward Ray Burton
  8. My, although far away, friends
  9. My education
  10. Comfy beds
  11. My Grammy blanket (shhhh…don’t tell anyone)
  12. My mini
  13. A place to sleep
  14. Nieces and nephew, they’re hilarious and cute
  15. Hulu
  16. Talbots Women
  17. Pretty things
  18. Sarcasm
  19. A few students that shall not be named, however they get me through my day because they actually want to learn
  20. My experiences abroad and living away from home
  21. The fact that I can usually come back “home”
  22. That I still have one living grandparent
  23. That I got to know and spend as much time as I could with Ed’s dad before he died
  24. Crafty things
  25. That I’m somewhat healthy
  26. The changes of the seasons that inspire me
  27. Common sense
  28. OPI nail polish
  29. Hobbies: knitting, photography
  30. Co-workers that understand and help me make it through the day
  31. My new computer coming in the mail on Monday
  32. Good books
  33. My vibram fiver fingers, all four pair
  34. Pinterest…pretty and shiny… oooooooh
  35. Friends with whom I can talk every day and always have something to say/discuss, and who will listen to me, share with me, and give objective opinions to my problems, concerns, down to the “which one should I buy?” types of problems.  As well as friends who I rarely get to talk to, but I can call them up and it’s like we haven’t missed a thing
  36. vegetarian options in Mississippi
  37. plants and gardening
  38. old things passed down
  39. music, even if it’s country
  40. that I get to see Ed this Friday!

Now, this list didn’t take long to think of, so I’m sure there is a lot more that I am thankful for.  What are you thankful for?

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