15 January 2012

On some other 2012 words: change, learn, prepare

From the list of words for 2012, come the words change, learn, and prepare.

I’ve already begun to make some changes.  This weekend I am leaving Clinton and moving to Vicksburg.  This comes with some happy and some sad.  Happy that I no longer have to commute and will have a full two more hours in my day.  Sad that I’m leaving behind the wonderful Boyd/Boyte family who took me in and let me stay with them for almost half a year, even though the original plan was 1-3 months.  So a big “thank you” to them!  I’m sure there will be many more changes this year, but that’s one to start with.

My other word for this post, learn, will also be featured more than just this once, I’m sure, because there are millions of opportunities to learn.  Currently, I am using much of my free time to teach myself and learn more about photography (all aspects of it).  I buy books, read them, use them as workbooks, play with my camera as I read them, etc.  I feel like this could be a never-ending process, but I also feel like I’m learning so much.

I’m also learning so much about teaching, being a teacher, school administration, and the world of education in general.  It’s one of those learning situations where you’re not sure if it’s helping you or hurting you.  What I mean by this is, the more I earn about the education system, the more I’m not sure if I want to be in it for the rest of my working life (or at least not in public/high school).  Part of working at a high school is really making me want to go back and get my PhD.  However, I think about the current job market and there are so many people out there (believe it or not) with German PhDs that I don’t think I’ll ever get a job.  Maybe I should consider another area…maybe international studies? Administration? Anything else?  But what I have learned is that I’m not sure this is the job oath for me.  And I guess it’s good that I’m learning this now, so that I have the option of changing my path before I get stuck in it.

Which brings us to the word prepare.  By learning all I can about every aspect of photography, I feel like I’m preparing myself for the eventual launch of the website that I’ve been working on for too long now.  The more I learn and work towards that goal, the more confidence I have in my photography and self as a photographer.  I feel that there are a few more things that I need to learn/master and put into place before I feel most comfortable, but I’m well on the road to where I need to be.  Even if it is slow and at my own pace, I feel that it’s moving along.

As I mentioned before, these words will have many definitions, and throughout the year these will change again and again.  Maybe I’ll fumble and have to reroute, but here she goes for now!

02 January 2012

Words for 2012

I know today is already the third day of 2012 and how you plan to start something new should have already been thought about.  But I didn’t.  New Years Eve, one of our gracious hosts, Matt Ludlum, kept asking everyone in our party our predictions, goals, etc. for 2012.  Even then, I didn’t really take it seriously. 
It wasn’t until our drive “home” from Austin that I really began to think about 2012.  Some of the questions that Matt asked kept going through my mind and I began to think about what I wanted in 2012.  Some of my answers on New Years Eve remain true.  To live in the same town with my husband.  To get a job that I can enjoy.  But those were for 2011 as well.  Ed and I talked a lot about some of the things I want for 2012, mostly to do with photography.  We were able to set a 2,000$ a year “budget” for my photographic needs.  This year’s was easily “spent”: Photoshop, Logo, new lens.  However, I still wasn’t really thinking toooo much about 2012.
I was perusing facebook and someone gave the prompt: Give one word for 2012.  It wasn’t until I read the words, that I really felt inspired.  Below are the ones that spoke to me the most.


I think over the next few whatevers, days, weeks, months, the year 2012 (when I have time), I’m going to pick one of these words, “define” it for me, and find it for 2012.  So rather than making New Years Resolutions, I’m making a 2012 bucket-list of sorts.
So, for starters, I’m going to go with Adventure and Commitment.

Adventure:  After visiting Austin I realized that I needed to see more of the world.  As the world isn’t exactly affordable at the time, the United States will do.  I’ve been saying for years that I need to travel more in the U.S.  So our first adventure of 2012 is already planned.  Ed has been there already, but I have not, so it still works for me.  Colorado in March!

Commitment:  Now this can go many ways, and like I said, I’m defining this for me (although I still have multiple venues to commit to).  First, I commit to making me a better, healthier, happier person.  Part of that is doing all I can to be back with my husband, find a job that I can say I love, and getting healthier.  Now that’s a big task, so if it takes a little longer than just the year 2012, that’s fine.  But as lone as I keep working towards that, I’ll consider it met! 
My talk with Ed on the way back to Austin also made me realize that I want to give my photography a bigger commitment.  A commitment to learn more, better my photography skills, and did I mention learn more?  I want to learn as much as possible and lose the fear I have of screwing it up. 

I think if I can do these two things, I will have already knocked off a few more words on the list!

More on Christmas with an addition of New Years and Austin, TX

(for those of you who only care about one aspect of this or another, I’ve labeled it accordingly, scroll til you find what you want.)

Christmas 2011
Christmas was filled with high’s and low’s.  We had the Burton’s come down to Mississippi from Iowa (high).  Ed and I have been trying to make this happen for years and it finally did, YAY!  It was very sweet to see Grammy, Karen, and Charles experience our huge Christmas tree and in general, Christmas in Natchez.  It was also great to see the brother and sister, their significant others, and all the babies (high).  Of course there is always a little family drama (low) involved when you get that many people together.  However, everyone survived and Christmas was a success. 
It was a great first experience for me to see all the babies opening their gifts at Christmas (high).  My family has kind of adopted this rule that only the babies get Christmas presents, which leaves Ed and me out completely L (low), but I understand that money is tight with everyone.  And just to be….nice (or an ass, depending on how you look at it) I got everyone presents anyway.  They were not expensive presents, but something that could be cherished for years to come (frames family photos).  But back to the kids!  They were so cute and it’s always so interesting to see how they differ in their little personalities (high).  Elizabeth just tore through her presents, while Brody methodically unwrapped and took in each one.  I think I liked Evie’s approach best though, she just slept through it all (she’s only about 9 weeks old).
I think everyone enjoyed Christmas lunch (high).  I guess it’s lunch.  It’s not at lunchtime, slightly thereafter, and usually before 3 p.m.  There was plenty of food for all (even for me as a vegetarian) and it all tasted nummy!  Something that has become a sort of family tradition is William Sonoma Pumpkin Butter as a dip.  You cover cream cheese with the pumpkin butter and sprinkle with green onions and bacon (for the meat eaters).  Sooooo tasty!  For some reason broccoli-rice-casserole is another big hit with our family.  It’s always the first dish to go. 
After Christmas, Mom took the Burton women down to Antique Alley in Natchez (high?).  I’m not sure if it’s what they had in mind for antiquing (it’s a little different in Iowa), but I think they had fun and at least found it interesting.  Ed and I joined them later and actually picked up a couple of things.  A wicker basket-bowl that I thought could be useful, a teapot that Ed thought was interesting, and a little “silver” tray for shits and giggles (it’s not actually silver, not sure what it really was) all for right at 30$, yay (high)!
I think we were all starting to get “cabin-fever” (low) because we all decided to leave ahead of schedule.  Plus, Karen owns a business and evidently needed to get back to it.  Ed and I made plans to visit the Ludlum’s and Theilen’s in Austin, TX for New Years.

New Years in Austin, TX!
So after seeing the Burton’s off, Ed and I immediately jumped in the MINI and headed to Austin, TX.  It was our first road trip together in the MINI and I was a little nervous that it wouldn’t work (too late, cause we already bought it!).  It’s one thing to shoot around town, something else to sit in a car for 9 hours and like each other.  But we did it! 
The trip there wasn’t bad at all.  We took the back roads the whole way and it made it more interesting and it seemed to take less time.  Once there we were treated to the Austin Experience by our lovely friends, Mr. and Mrs. Awesome (a.k.a. The Ludlum’s).  We also got to hang out a little with Betsy and Trever Theilen, YAYAYAY!  We did a lot of bar/beer trying, food experimenting, and a lot more of getting to know Austin on our own. 
The Ludlum’s just bought a house and they were so nice as to allow us to stay with them for New Years.  The first night we stayed in, but got some lovely pizza from their neighborhood pizza place.  We also participated in some beer, pretty good!
(I’ll go ahead and admit that a lot of this is fuzzy, not from drinking too much, but from raging allergies and what turns out to be a crappy high temperature.  No wonder my brain felt like it was baking!)
The next day, since Alisa had to work and Matt wasn’t there yet, Ed and I ventured out on our own and did some shopping and exploring.   That’s when I basically realized Austin would be my next more permanent home (more on that under Austin, TX).  After being out and about for a while, we headed back to the house for some relaxing until Alisa got home and we went to dinner to one of the “food carts.”  It was an Indian food cart, and even though I’m not that fond of Indian food, I found it all pretty great!  Afterwards we went to a pretty awesome bar, The Gingerman.  We eventually retired to ready for our next adventure.  Now this is where things get fuzzy.  My head was spinning and baking, so I’m not exactly sure what happened next, but here’s a list of things we did do, in no particular order.
-       went to the grocery store for food and beer
-       hung out with Betsy and Trevor (they were there the first night, too)
-       went to another bar with Betsy and Trevor and on the same night, went and met their new puppy, Landry…sooooo cute!
-       We went to the Kolache Factory and tried Kolachies (sp?)
-       For new years night, we went to Mother’s (a vegetarian restaurant) for dinner and then back to the Gingerman.  We did a not so verbal countdown at the river near Gingerman, where we hugged and kissed our significant others.
-       And I totally forgot that Alisa’s sister and soon to be brother and law joined us on New Years Eve eve.  (They actually got engaged New Years Eve!)
So that’s the New Years Eve rundown.

Austin, TX
At first, my verdict on Austin was…meh.  But then, with a fresh pair of eyes, the next day, Ed and I went into town on our own.  The more places I went and longer I was there, I started to try to figure out what constituted a “place I want to live.”  So Ed and I cam up with:
-       Small town feel
-       Big city stuff (availability of items we love, stores we like, food that can be acquired, variety of things to do, the arts, something for everyone!)
-       Variety of things to do
-       Being able to not live in the city, but be in the city…difficult to find

And I’m sure there was more, but that’s all I can remember now.  I think we actually stopped there as we felt that the list was already unattainable.  But the more we experienced Austin, the more we realized it fill the bill almost to a T. 
Even though Austin is a big city, they keep a small town feel.  They have one of the best camera stores I’ve ever been to (both online and in person).  There is such a variety of things to do there, we only really did one..er two… (the drinking and eating variety).  We’ve also got a strong friend base there already as well.  Which only adds to the awesomeness. 
So the plan now is, Austin or bust!