02 January 2012

Words for 2012

I know today is already the third day of 2012 and how you plan to start something new should have already been thought about.  But I didn’t.  New Years Eve, one of our gracious hosts, Matt Ludlum, kept asking everyone in our party our predictions, goals, etc. for 2012.  Even then, I didn’t really take it seriously. 
It wasn’t until our drive “home” from Austin that I really began to think about 2012.  Some of the questions that Matt asked kept going through my mind and I began to think about what I wanted in 2012.  Some of my answers on New Years Eve remain true.  To live in the same town with my husband.  To get a job that I can enjoy.  But those were for 2011 as well.  Ed and I talked a lot about some of the things I want for 2012, mostly to do with photography.  We were able to set a 2,000$ a year “budget” for my photographic needs.  This year’s was easily “spent”: Photoshop, Logo, new lens.  However, I still wasn’t really thinking toooo much about 2012.
I was perusing facebook and someone gave the prompt: Give one word for 2012.  It wasn’t until I read the words, that I really felt inspired.  Below are the ones that spoke to me the most.


I think over the next few whatevers, days, weeks, months, the year 2012 (when I have time), I’m going to pick one of these words, “define” it for me, and find it for 2012.  So rather than making New Years Resolutions, I’m making a 2012 bucket-list of sorts.
So, for starters, I’m going to go with Adventure and Commitment.

Adventure:  After visiting Austin I realized that I needed to see more of the world.  As the world isn’t exactly affordable at the time, the United States will do.  I’ve been saying for years that I need to travel more in the U.S.  So our first adventure of 2012 is already planned.  Ed has been there already, but I have not, so it still works for me.  Colorado in March!

Commitment:  Now this can go many ways, and like I said, I’m defining this for me (although I still have multiple venues to commit to).  First, I commit to making me a better, healthier, happier person.  Part of that is doing all I can to be back with my husband, find a job that I can say I love, and getting healthier.  Now that’s a big task, so if it takes a little longer than just the year 2012, that’s fine.  But as lone as I keep working towards that, I’ll consider it met! 
My talk with Ed on the way back to Austin also made me realize that I want to give my photography a bigger commitment.  A commitment to learn more, better my photography skills, and did I mention learn more?  I want to learn as much as possible and lose the fear I have of screwing it up. 

I think if I can do these two things, I will have already knocked off a few more words on the list!

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