05 October 2012

Please excuse me if you offend easily...

if you do, you might just want to stop reading now.  This is my blog, I have like three readers, and I can say whatever the hell I want.

I wanted the original title of this to be "Go FUCK yourselves!" but thought that a bit harsh.

This is probably not the best time to be writing this, we don't know all the facts, but...

for all of you who can just "whoops I'm pregnant!" or " try and conceive and then complain every day on Facebook and what not about how little Johnny did this or that....go fuck yourselves.  I'm about to start going through my Facebook posts and ever time I see someone who complains about their kid, I'm going to unfriend them.

Not everyone is as lucky as you are and are able to just pop out kids.  Some of us have a monthly reminder that it might be impossible and seeing all the posts about how ungrateful you are because your kid did ____ is just kind of selfish.  So you know what, go fuck yourself.

Then, there are the people who post shit like this:

to you people, I say go fuck yourselves.  Basically you're saying that I may never know love, and that's total bullshit.

And to the others of you who post and say shit like this:

Guess what, you can go fuck yourselves too.

We don't know all the details.  We're still trying to work stuff out.  But just because you have been fortunate, don't be so selfish to believe that others have as well.  Try to be a little more sensitive...or...GO FUCK YOURSELF!

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