11 October 2012

The Shiba Shit List

So Atticus and Ebba have been getting along pretty well.  We still keep them separated for the most part, but they get to play just about every day for about 20 minutes.

Since they've gotten easier to walk together, I've been taking both Ebba and Atticus out at the same time.  They do pretty well.  Usually Atticus is pretty quick with taking care of his business.  Ebba on the other hand is very particular.  She has to find the perfect spot, one for peeing and another perfect spot for pooing.

And anyone who knows Ebba, knows she's not a morning dog.  She's totally happen not rolling out of bed until 11 a.m. or even later.  She then goes and finds a spot to curl up in before every thinking about having to go outside.  Maybe around noon, she'll decide to prance around and want to go out.  So this whole getting up with the new kid on the block isn't much fun for her.  She gets pissy when I drag her from her box to go out at 7:30 a.m.  Needless to say, she's not a happy camper that early in the morning.

So this morning I bundle up, head outside with both dogs and begin the routine.  Atticus immediately pees in his pee spot.  We turn the corner and head down to the park.  Before we cross the street to the park, Atticus tries to et the wood chips around the trees.  We cross the street and Atticus decides to "eliminate" immediately.  So we stop, I get my bag ready, and make sure Ebba is close enough that I can stop of the sidewalk and pick up Atticus' deposit.

Ebba was being pretty good this morning.  I bent over to pick up what Atticus had left, and I notice this Shiba Inu, running down the sidewalk.  In the process, I stuck my thumb in Atticus' shit.  I turn around and look where her harness lay on the ground and find no Ebba.  I look back up.  She looks back at me and picks up speed.

So there I am, standing with Atticus and a shit bag with shit on my thumb and Ebba hightailing it down the sidewalk.  And Shibas are known for running and never coming back.  So I started to panic.  I tried to get the shit of my thumb but noticed that by then, I had it on the handle of Ebba's leash.  So I rubbed my thumb in the grass and that got enough off that I wouldn't spread it anymore.  Ebba has really only made it half way down the sidewalk, but I'm not a fast person.

But I took off anyway.  I noticed that every time Ebba looked back and saw me and Atticus running at her, she picked up her pace.  A few steps ahead, the lawn guys had planted a new tree and it had those strong stakes in the ground to hold it.  Thinking that if I didn't have Atticus, maybe she would slow down?  Or even come to me? HA! Lies! But i looped Atticus' leash over the tall stake and ran towards Ebba, dropping Atticus' poop in the poop receptacle as I went.

I was half way to her when I looked back and saw Atticus flailing on the stake.  I panicked again.  What if he gets loose too!!  But he was still on the stake, and had his harness and leash on, unlike Ebba who had sneakily, without me noticing wriggled out of hers.  So I kept going.  Ebba rounded the corner at the park and went a little further before her fluffy ass squatted to pee.  She was just finished peeing as I reached her, and she stood up to run away again.  I yelled at her, which I think scared her and she looked at me, which gave me time to grab her.  She was non too happy, but neither was I, so I didn't care.

I managed to ger her harness back on her and started turning back.  Then I was like, OH SHIT, Atticus!  So I put some pep in my step and rounded the corner to find him calmly waiting by the stake.  He just sat there and looked at me like, "Yeah, you thought I was going to run away too.  Ha, fooled you! I'm the good one!"  As I approached him, he sat up with a look of pure satisfaction on his little puppy face.

So I gathered him up, and we continued on our poop walk. Little Bitch still needed to poop and we usually walk around the little park.  So even though I was shaking and my heart was pounding, we continued around the park.  Although I really just wanted to turn around and stick Little Bitch in the bathroom the rest of the day.  But we walked the park.  Ebba pooped.  Atticus pooped again. And all was right in the Whittington-Burton Doggens Household.

Of course, once we make it back inside, Ebba has no clue that she has done wrong and lies down with her little dainty paws sticking out in front of her.  It's like she's mocking me, "No, mom.  I AM an angel.  That must have all been your imagination."

I'm a perfect angel, mom.  I couldn't have done that.  I mean, look at the white light behind me...angel.  That's me!

She is officially on my shit list today.

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