07 November 2012

My reaction: Election 2012

I don’t like to get political.  My family and I disagree over politics, religion, and other facets of life.  I don’t like to argue with them about any of it.  As I am willing to see both sides, I will talk to them if they are.  But anyone with the, “Now the world will end!” attitude, I don’t have anything to say.

That being said, with the election over, I feel confident that our country made the correct decision.  I think the correct way to do something usually takes time and four years to turn a nation around with people fighting you every step of the way would take a lot more than four years.  Hopefully we can see more positive changes in our country that will help everyone and keep our country moving forward. I also think a lot of the problems our country has starts at home, before kids even get to school.  I’m also glad that women’s rights will not be set back 50 (or more) years.

What I do find disconcerting is the way some people are reacting to the decision that was made, as a country.  You can claim all you want that the world is ending, that you’re moving to Canada, Australia, Europe, etc. (which is hilarious in its own), or that you’re going to quit working and have 10 babies.  You’re not. The world is not going to end (I mean come on.  How many times has that been predicted?).  You aren’t going to move.  And most likely you’re not going to quit your job and started pushing out kids by the bajillions.  But hey, if you do quit your job, maybe I can get it!

I have seen more disrespect from Americans towards this president than ever before.  It’s shameful.  This is the guy, who WE elected as a country.  If this man was white, he would have never received such blatant disrespect that he has been shown these last few years.  I understand if you don’t agree with him, but come on people, this is 2012. 

Another thing, more general and less on the election (however it has increased with the nearing of the election), is other countries “jokes” and “cracks” at the United States.  Sure, there is a lot wrong with us.  Sure, we’re not perfect.  Don’t be a bully. We all make mistakes, make decisions that we think are “good” at the time but turn out bad. Let’s work together to make things better.

I did want to add some quotes from Facebook last night.  I am really proud to call some of these people my friends.  But their messages to the Facebook world kind of shows you what else was going on.  I didn’t post anything because these people said it better than I ever could have:

Example 1:

Okay, friends. Let's get real.

The leader of the free world doesn't actually have the power to ruin our country. You do.

If you spend instead of save. If you see someone in need, and pass them by. If you have an opinion/ a concern/ a thought - and you keep it to yourself instead of emailing your congressman. In this world - you can text or Facebook them! If you choose to be wasteful. If you
choose to buy something made from a foreign country when you could buy something made in the USA - it is hard to do, but you can try.

Mother Teresa called us to stop waiting on leaders. She said that we should serve others one by one - each day taking one more step to making things better.

So I'm issuing that same challenge to you - and to myself. If you want our country to be great - then make it that way.

However, if you are going to sit behind the comfort of your computer screen and complain and place blame - never stopping to think for a second that you could be part of the problem or trying to be part of the solution - then you aren't doing anything but wasting time and hot air.

Our president can't do anything without the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Sentate and the House will do what they think is best for the people they serve -- and who give them their jobs. If you want change - tell some one until they listen. If you want to complain, keep posting on Facebook. Doing so will accomplish the same amount of change as rocking in a chair. You'll be busy - but you won't get anything done.

Example 2:

Poise is grace under pressure; class is handling a letdown with dignity.
If you were disappointed tonight, that's fine by me. Just keep it classy, folks.

Example 3:

Hey, friends, family, all of you. Whether your candidate won or not, we are all Americans. We are all in this together. And unless you actually leave the country, which we all know you won't, how about we work toward a better future for everyone, and not just those who vote the same as you? How about you spend as much time actively working toward the changes you want to see as you do on FB bitching about it. I look forward to making this a better place for all Americans to live.

And some examples of why I’m disappointed:

Australia looks good to me right now. The us should just have a door mat that reads welcome to the us, the land of nothing we'll screw you over

I'm sorry for the secret service agents. I surely wouldnt take a bullet for him. Glad y'all will. I can't even sleep I'm so confused and upset. Wow.

And one of my favorite ones, which has since been taken down from Facebook so I don’t have a word for word:  someone first called everyone stupid and then recanted asking everyone to pray….

pot, kettle


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