29 November 2012

Not my dream job...

So, since moving to Colorado, I’ve been applying to all kinds of jobs.  At first I had high standards: something in education, teaching, community college, advising, etc.  Then we realized we couldn’t pay the bills if I couldn’t find a job.  So I lowered my standards some and applied to still academic, but not great positions.  Still nothing.  So I took to the retail market and started applying to places I might like to shop: whole foods, craft stores, banks, secretary positions, etc.

Well, something took.  I had applied to a craft store and low and behold, they called me the next day.  I went in for the interview, and literally answered every questions with a shy smiles and “Glitter!”  meeeehhhhhhhhhhh  Anyway, they gave me the job.  It was past a certain deadline so they could only hire me as seasonal and I could only make minimum wage, which in Colorado is 7.64$ an hour.  Shoot me.

But I took it.  Cause we need money.  Need to pay bills. Need to have some standard of living beyond figuring out which bill we could pay this month, or if we could go to the doctor or not, etc.

So after the first two weeks of working my rear off for 4 hours a day, 4-5 days a week, admittedly, not very much but tiring none the less, I got my first pay check…..wait for it….

Under 200$.

So I gave up that much of my time for under 200$?????????????


But every little bit helps, so I continued working…giving it my all, all that jazz….and after four weeks of working, the store manager comes to me all hush, hush secretive and all, and asks, “Hey, what do you think about becoming a manager here?”  Well I think I’d make a lot more than LESS than 200$ every two weeks!

So yeah, 4 weeks as a part time, SEASONAL employee, and they want to make me a manager….

Still have to figure everything out though.  Not even sure if I can do it with two classes and a practicum next semester.  But the money would be nice.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the job offer, I think. :) My sister was in a very similar situation. She has a degree in architectural engineering (in which she doesn't want to work), so tried to find things related to it, with no luck. So she ended up at a craft store in NC. She quickly was promoted to Manager because she worked at Hobby Lobby in college. Apparently Hobby Lobby is the best thing you can have on a resume for a craft store. That, and she's crafty. Just think of the discounts you can get on yarn! ;)
