10 January 2013

I wish...

I could get my photography business going....or into something that I could even call it a business.

I have a website (sort of)...I have a camera...But you always need more equipment, or help in some way shape or form.

So, every time there is a giveaway where you can win photography stuff, I enter it.  Now, I don't enter every single one.  Because sometimes I feel like I just don't need the products being offered or I truly don't like it.

In this case, I like it and I need it.

So, today, I'm entering a giveaway with Crave Photography in hopes of winning a nice new lens, 1 on 1 mentoring, and a business marketing plan, all things I desperately need and want.

So if you too would like to "Jump start your business (photography)"...then you can enter here to win!

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