01 January 2013

Twelve goals for 2013

Hookay, so these are NOT New Years resolutions...because we all know those never happen.  I'm actually starting this in October so I'll have time to think about it.  This is a list of twelve things that I hope to accomplish in the year 2013, in no particular order (also, trying to do it as if I don't have a job yet, because that changes a lot of things).

1. Lose 50 pounds.  Ambitious, maybe.  But that's like one pound a week.  I can hack that, right?  I do play on going to see a nutritionist and make a plan.
          UPDATE: Nutritionist seen.  On a meal plan. Down 11 lbs.

2. Get my photography blog up and going.  I got it back under control, but still don't have all the kinks worked out.
          UPDATE:  Website/Blog is all clear and up, check it out! www.alexisburton.com

3.  Be more active.  That kinda goes with #1, but I want to be more active in general, not just for exercise.  But since we live in CO, I want to try to take advantage of the hiking, maybe start biking, and definitely do a lot more walking.
          UPDATE: Looking into learning to ski.  Bought the pants.

4. Complete the Couch-to-5k program.  This goes with #1 and #3.

5. Have a family portrait taken.  All four of us, ha!  This will definitely be towards the end of the year,   AFTER I lose the 50 (or more) lbs. haha

6. Build something (like a coffee table/storage bench).

7. Refinish some of the furniture we got from Craig's List.
           UPDATE:  One down, five to go.

8. Branch out in clothing styles.  I did buy a pair of skinny jeans...but....I'm still not 100% convinced that that was a good decision...
          UPDATE: Liking the skinny jeans, got a pair of very pink shorts.

9.  Do not take for granted the area in which I live.  Every time we move somewhere, where there are cool things/places nearby, we always say, "We live here, we can see it any time." Hopefully that'll stop in 2013.
           UPDATE: See #3.

10. Be more open to activities that I previously would have said "No" to.
           UPDATE: See #3 and #9.

11. Limit Facebook and Pinterest time.
12. Make better decisions and stick with them.

Well, there it is.  Something to tackle in the '13.  Hopefully I can get work on these throughout the year to make 2013 better than 2012.

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