04 February 2013


in a good way!

So the husband and I went and saw a dietician and nutritionist last Friday.  When it came time for the appointment, husband needed a little push, but I’m ready to get things started and figured out and start meeting some of my goals.

I did successfully complete one of my tiny goals, which was to not drink soda for the month of January.  And after meeting with the nutritionist, I’m just going to try to keep that up.

What I learned was that I don’t eat enough.  And I definitely don’t get enough protein (as a vegetarian).

After coming up with a plan, one that we were kind of already doing, just not enough, we went Saturday to Costco and spent nearly 300$ on fruits and vegetables.

The plan is two have two meals and two meal replacements.  This isn’t like Optifast or Medifast or anything like that.  We were already eating protein bars for breakfast, so we get to continue that.  And so I can have either another protein bar, or a protein shake throughout the day.

On top of that I have to eat two meals that consist of two cups of vegetables, 30 grams of protein that I get from Morning Star Farms veggie burgers or cottage cheese, and also some type of 100-calorie carb (like a low carb, high fiber tortilla).

ANNNND I have to find some room in there for two fruits. Annnnnnnnd plenty of water.  And keep it all under 1100 calories.

Seems like math to me. I hate math.

But yeah, I was super full from lunch today.  Hopefully this is a good plan for us and I’ll see some changes soon.  I’m also considering signing up for Zumba… not sure yet.


  1. I really liked the Zumba I've done! Even though I wasn't exactly going "full out"...mostly panting and trying to catch on to the dance moves. But, it was fun! Good luck! How did you find your nutritionist?

  2. Ed found our dietician and the nutritionist just happened to be there too. Our insurance has a search option, you can choose your area and then read dr. profiles.
