04 March 2013

Back on the wagon...

So after being on my new meal plan for a measly one and a half weeks (starting February 1st), I fell off the wagon and have been off...until today.

So today I'm back on it.  I did gain 3 pounds the time that I was off, but I burned out pretty quick.  I'm trying to learn to vary the foods I eat so that I have a variety.  I think my biggest mistake was going to Costco and buying huge quantities, without the variety.  Lesson learned.  I also learned I am not the biggest fan of broccoli anymore.  I think I ate too much of it that first week and there towards the end of it, I kept gagging on it.  However, cauliflower is still my friend.

Even though I fell off for a couple weeks, I still have lost weight in total since I started.  That's a positive, right?  I'm down 11 pounds since starting...that would be 14 (plus I'm sure a lot more) had  I stayed with it.  I'm hoping that this time, now that I'm learning how to count calories, get all the food in, and all the nutrition requirements in, and still vary my food.  I seem to get stuck in ruts.  For example, I like veggie burgers, so I have a veggie burger wrap twice a day...To help break that up, I have been making shrimp wraps instead.  Fewer calories and more protein = win!  But the shrimp here in Colorado, not so tasty.  I'll get through what I have and then see if the "fresh" ones at Costco taste any better.

And even though I've tried this before, I'm going to attempt cooking tofu.  I actually don't like tofu.  But sometimes I've had it and it was awesome.  I have texture issues with food, so it can't be jiggly.  So I'm going to try to cook my extra firm tofu to taste good, and hopefully without any extra added calories.  We shall see. Anyone every grilled tofu?  Grilled tofu sounds like it could be good...???


  1. Your posts brighten my day!

  2. Good job, Alexis! I'm interested to know what your meal plan is. You said you met with a nutritionist, right? Maybe I'll catch you on gmail soon and we can talk about it.
