07 March 2013


I'm trying to grow a pair.

You may notice that little MyFitnessPal app I put on the blog directly under the header photo (Can't make it smaller to put on the side). That's me trying to have some balls.  I'm hoping that it will help me stay on my meal plan.  Using the blog as accountability.  I like updating it every day just because it keeps me motivated.

Hopefully I won't fall on my face and I can keep it going until I hit my first goal, which is to get to another tens mark.  It doesn't tell you my weight.  My balls aren't that big. But I'm not far from the goal.  3 lbs. I think.  My short long term goal (did that make any sense?) is to loose 40-50 pounds by July.  Not sure how realistic that is.  At the rate I am going on this meal plan, it seems very realistic to me.  Especially with (HOPEFULLY) warmer weather coming.  Meaning I'll feel more inclined to get outside and walk.  I refuse to walk on a treadmill.  Seems like it takes forever and you never get anywhere.  At least while walking outside, you get somewhere, see things, and the time definitely seems to go by faster.

Here's to hoping and wishing!

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