15 August 2013

Back at it again...

So when I found out I was pregnant, I had just finished week 6 of 9 of C25k (Couch to 5k for those not in the know), week 9 being, run a 5k.  The doctor basically told me that now was not the time to complete a 5k and suggested I stop.  Being the good patient that I am and wanting the best for my situation, I did.

So less than a week after feeling "back to normal" after the miscarriage, I've started C25k again.  I hate doing things twice, so I wasn't about to start completely over.  I read through the descriptions of each week and decided, that after not doing it for a few weeks (4-5, not sure exactly) that week 4 seemed like a good place to start over.  And it was.  I didn't feel lie dying.  I didn't have to stop.  I didn't get any leg cramps.  It just worked.

The first day made me feel like I should have started at week 5.  However, day 2 of week 4 convinced me that I started at the right place.  I finished week 4 yesterday and started week 5 today.  I'm going to take a break tomorrow and continue Saturday.

Having the goal of completing a 5k is kind of awesome.  Getting through each day of the training is very empowering.  The C25k program is very doable, especially for someone like me who has NEVER run before.  I keep looking for blogs by people who are more like me, but all I can find is, "I use to run track and haven't in a while so I did C25k, it was great!"  I've never found, "I've been overweight my entire life and have never, ever, run before C25k and now I'm a runner!"  I want that second case to be me.

C25k has also allowed me to reconnect with older friends that I haven't talked to in a while.  It generally starts with, "How's the program going?" but sometimes goes in different directions.  I learned recently that an old college friend is going through some of the same stuff I am.  Although, I think her road has been tougher.  It's amazing how she doesn't really see it that way.  I was shocked when she said she was glad that these things were happening to her because it would make her a better mother.  Never in my life would I want to go through this.  I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  But it's great to hear her perspective and see that she sees her situation as an opportunity to learn.

While I do agree that the difficulties with fertility have definitely made me think twice about a lot of things, definitely made me aware of some changes that I needed to make in myself (eating better, generally taking better care of myself, cutting out the crap and chemicals in every day product use, and exercise) and  helped to form some friendships that probably would not have developed so far otherwise, I still would not have wanted this.  I still don't want this.

So right now, my goal is to finish C25k, improve on speed (cause I'm snail like), and hopefully run an official 5k before my birthday. That gives me around two months to get my shit together.

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