27 August 2013

Meal Plan Woes...

I've never been adventurous with with.  I've usually been ok eating the same thing, over, and over, and over, again.  But when I started this meal plan that the nutritionist gave us back in February, it got boring quick.

First, I wasn't use to eating so much and second, how do you fit all that in, under calories, and meat all the requirements listed...and still have variety? As a vegetarian...a bad vegetarian (I am not a fan of tofu and I hate mushrooms).

So here's what I'm working with (it's a total of 15 pages, but I am only including the ones that are relevant to me).

This is a 1200 calorie meal plan, as you can see at the top, the dietician dropped me to 1100.  You can also see some of the other notes, like under II, I'm doing option B and at the bottom under big B, I'm doing two supplements.

I have done some experimenting and have found that the Cystosport has fewer calories and more protein, so that's the one that we use.

I'm a vegetarian, that cuts out most of this stuff.

Where do you fit dairy in??

So far, my solution to this has been....

over and over again, with some variation in fruits and vegetables.

I'm bored with it and will never be able to continue to eat this way. HELP!

I will eat eggs, dairy, and some seafood.  I've been trying to eat less processed foods in general, so trying to stay away from the boca burgers, although that's my go-to right now.

I will try just about any veggie, but these are the ones I've been eating and liking:
bamboo shoots
onions of any kind
red bell peppers
salad greens
sprouts of any kind
summer squash
swiss chard

and from the limit-it list:
sweet potatoes

And I'm working on liking these:
brussel sprouts

But, in the spirit of eating clean and healthy, I'm willing to try anything (but not mushrooms)!


  1. That sounds unpleasant. :) And 1100 calories is hard b/c it's just not much.

    So what do you specifically like and dislike to eat? Do you eat dairy and eggs?

    The first thing I would do is consider other sources of vegetarian protein. I personally dislike boca burgers and things like that b/c they are highly processed.

    Do you like beans? Tofu? Tempeh? Eggs?

    What veggies do you like?

    1. I do like dairy and eggs.

      I hate fish and mushrooms.

      I have been trying to get off of the boca burgers. I know they're über processed, but less so than morning star farms. They're my go to for lazy eating.

      I do like beans (although rough on the digestive system). I'm trying to like tofu. I like it when others cook it. I haven't experimented with tempeh at all. And eggs are good.

      As for which veggies I like... I'll edit that in to the post.

  2. What about morning star fake chicken? My friend is a vegetarian and she eats those a bunch on salad or in tortillas. Perhaps working between that and the fake burgers will give you some more variety?

    Sorry my friend. This is all greek to me. I have yet to master the art of healthy eating or heck even being able to read a label. However, it's on my bucket list to learn how to eat healthy and cook healthy. Maybe after you do it, I can get tips from you.

    1. I'm trying to get away from morning star...and the boca burgers :(

  3. I really like to marinate tempeh in soy sauce, sesame oil, and lime juice then stir fry it w/ veggies (like bok choy, brocolli, or brussels sprouts) and serve w/ some sriracha hot sauce. That might be a good protein and veggie rich option for a meal.

    Also, what about egg white omelets w/ lots of veggies and salsa?

    As for beans, they are a go-to for me and I find that the more you eat them, the less gas you have, although I can't eat more than 1 bean heavy meal/day without having a little gas.

    But I love a bowl w/ beans, brown rice, and veggies (I usually do salsa, onions, cilantro, tomatoes, etc... and top w/ a little cheese or sour cream- but white beans w/ canned artichokes and roasted tomatoes and onions over whole wheat toast is another bean bowl variation I can think of off the top of my head)
