19 August 2013

10 years ago this month...

I met the most amazing person I have ever met.  This week (we’re not sure of the exact date, but it was a –teenth), 10 years ago, Ed and I started dating.

I don’t remember much about the night we met.  I do remember that he was the most respectful guy I had ever met in college.  I had just returned from a more than a yearlong stay in Germany.  I was thin, had really short hair, and a crazy dark tan.  I was visiting one of my best friends who was staying with her boyfriend at his fraternity house over the summer.  We were in their room and I heard someone come through the main hall entrance.  Since the fraternity was pretty small, I knew just about everyone so I stuck my head out to see who was there.

I saw this really cute guy walk to the T in the hall.  I didn’t know him, so I went back in the room.  Moments later, he was there introducing himself.  At some point that day/night we took a picture together (we may have had a few).  Ed tells the story a little differently, but you’d have to ask him for his version.
Sorry for the crappy quality, it's a picture of a picture.

I still have this picture framed in our bedroom.

We ended up staying up til the wee hours of the morning just talking.  That was something I had never done before (I’ve never been much of a talker).  A week later, I was riding with him from Jackson, MS to Champaign, IL so that he could help his family move.  A week or so after that, we were dating.

We went back to IL (Chicago) not long after that first trip, maybe in October? December? Not real sure.  I just remember that he had a little too much to drink and he asked me to marry him.  I told him to hush, that he was drunk.  He told me that he would remember this tomorrow.

The next morning, he grinned at me and said that he remembered what he had asked.

Our life together has had some rough spots.  We’ve been through a lot of loss and heartache.  But we’ve always been there for each other.  He has always been there for me. 

Most couples would not have survived some of the rough times that we have been through.  We’ve lived apart several times to further our educations and also for work.  Ed lost his father right before I moved to Mississippi to teach.  We both have family issues to work through.  We struggle financially because I can never get a job where Ed gets one.  And now, on top of all our other pains, we’re dealing with back-to-back miscarriages and the pain and heartache that comes with that.  We continue to be under a tremendous amount of stress that never seems to let up.

Through it all, there is no one I would rather have by my side. 
I could never put into words, just how much I love this boy and how much he means to me.  I would be completely lost without him.  He understands me.  He gets me.  He knows when my crying is from hurt or anger.  He is the only person who has always been there for me, no matter what, even when he was hurting too.  I feel like the luckiest person in the world when I'm with him.

So to the first ten years, the next ten years, and many more!

I love you Bottom!

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