10 September 2013

Plus Size Running Gear - Warm Weather Edition

As you could tell from this post, it's hard for bigger gals to find cute workout clothes or even proper sports related workout clothes and still feel good about them and yourself while you try your hardest out there.

I'm definitely not an expert workout/running gear and I haven't found everything I need yet, but for a beginner who wants to be serious, this is what's working for me.

- I just got this top a couple weeks ago, and it quickly became a favorite.

The top part fits nicely (although I never trust a built in sports bra from old navy) and the bottom flows nicely over and hides my gut.  I wanted the pretty blue one too, but I'm hopefully not going to be this size much longer, so I resisted.

- These pants.

I'm actually having a love/hate relationship with these right now.  So comfy, decently flattering, great for....sitting on my ass and wanting to feel sporty.  However, they need a draw string or something because they constantly slide down when I run and FORGET something like a workout video.  They become ankle warmers with the quickness.  I have two different sizes and neither one stays up to well until I get a good sweat going.  I got them because they weren't super long and had pockets. But they are mainly what I have right now.

-Old Navy no longer has my non compressiony plain ol workout tops.  I have several in long and short sleeve.  Similar to this one, but these have some cotton. 

- Favorite pants that I got at walmart.

These are not the exact ones, but as close as I could find (mine have annoying zipper pockets).  I love these because they at least have pockets and a drawstring which helps keep them up.  I actually use to hate these pants when all I was doing was walking, because the materials was sticky feeling.  But when running, I've come to realize that the stickiness is a good thing.

- These shoes are the best I've ever put on.
I have this exact pair and LOVE them.  They are very supportive, so much so that I've never been too sore from running and have yet to get a blister from them (knock on wood).  Can't say enough about them.  So great!

Just recently tried these, and now I understand the importance of wicking socks.  For some reason when wearing these I can lace my shoes tighter, giving me more support and improving quality of the way my legs feel after a run all together.

- These compression socks.
Yes I look funny wearing them and it's a workout in itself to get them on and off, but they are great.  So far I've been using them after runs for recovery and love them.  Keeps my legs warmer longer and I don't get so stiff and tight afterwards.

I don't eat before I run (but I'm thinking about starting to now that it's getting cooler) and about halfway through my runs I started getting dizzy, seeing black spots, and feeling overall faint.  I tried bring these with me and they helped me A LOT.  I only need one square (30 cal) to get me through my run.

I'm a mouth breather when I run.  Which means my mouth gets dry.  I'm also beginning to sweat a lot (not normal for me) and have found that I need water to help me not feel like I'm dying out there.  With the warmer temps, this really helps.  I also put my keys and chews in the little outside pocket and that really helps.  I didn't want one of those hydration belts or a camel back type of thing because I don't like things touching me.  So this is perfect.

-I'm still on the hunt for a good sports bra and I'm currently using ones that I bought over 10 YEARS ago from target.  I was a lot smaller then and they're old now.  I've been searching and have even gone and tried on ones at Lane Bryant (Old Navy sports bras don't appear to be...very supportive?) but I've had no luck so far.  I've heard of people having luck at Walmart getting cute supportive sports bras, but I haven't had that luck yet.

- Last but not least, these two apps.  C25k and 10k Free.  And if I can do this, anyone can.  No excuses.

06 September 2013


It's the small victories (doubt this would count for most people).

Finally, my period has started!

Who gets excited about that?  Evidently I do!

After my first miscarriage, it took 4 weeks for my period to start again.  Normally, one would think that a good thing, not having to deal with a period.  But for me it's just anxiety.  It means I'm not back to "normal" again yet.

I knew it would be different with this miscarriage because it was more involved.  At four weeks after, I was just ready for it to start..and being that the second MC was more involved, I knew it would take longer.

But, 5 weeks to the date. Here it is.

05 September 2013

Who knew...

that jacked up purple big toe nails were going to be somewhat like a badge of honor for me.

(*toenails appear darker purple in person)
Evidently that makes me a runner now?  Or at least on my way to being one.

It's the small victories.

04 September 2013

I'm thankful...

for the opportunities to create and earn for myself.

(Remember this is from my perspective)

We recently hung out with a couple, who to us, have been given everything.  He had a trust fund.  They were basically given a house.  She was given a job that her father created especially for her.  And a pregnancy fell in their laps.

They haven’t had to work hard and really earn much at all on their own.

Through many different conversations with them, it is obvious that they think mostly of solutions that involve money.  They don’t understand real life situations.  They don’t understand reality.  They don’t understand why some people can’t do what they can.  They have no empathy and cannot sympathize with anyone else’s situation.

For this reason, I am thankful that I have had to work for everything I have and will have.  I think it makes me a more well-rounded person.  I think I am better for it.

Plus, they just come of as douches.

03 September 2013

I prayed...

to God today.

(and if you know me, that’s something I don’t normally do.)

I prayed that He would take away my pain.  That He would let me know one way or another if I was going to have children and to help me accept His decision.

What brought this about?  If you remember a few posts back I wrote about how difficult it was some days.  How I would just cry at the slightest reminder that I’m NOT having a baby, despite being pregnant twice.

Today was one of those days.  Someone I use to, kind of know is pregnant.  With her 3rd child.  On top of that, someone we know now, didn’t even want kids, was on birth control, and has been drinking like a fish, wound up pregnant, and we hung out with them this weekend.  Both of them, as well as I don’t even know how many other people, are expecting…the worst part…they are all due the same month I was.

It’s emotionally draining.  It’s hard.  And sometimes, I just don’t know how to deal…especially with no sign of my cycles even starting again after my last miscarriage (Who WANTS their fucking period??).

I just don’t know how to deal today.