18 October 2013

Fertility Update

So we’ve had a lot going on lately with my parents visiting (I had not seen them in over a year and a half).  But we did manage to get some tests and doctors visits in while they were here and shortly after they left.

Backing up a little bit to the end of July.  I went in for a scheduled Hysterosalpingogram (HSG).  This is an x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes to make sure there are no obstructions, uterus shape problems, no blockage.  Basically to make sure everything is like it’s supposed to be.

A lot of folks say this is scary and it hurts.  It was scary, but afterwards I realized there was nothing to be scared about.  It did hurt a little, but not worse than normal period cramps. 

My RE talked through the whole thing and explained what we were seeing as my uterus and tubes filled with dye.  It was interesting to see.

Fast-forward to this last two weeks, I had a phone consult, we ordered more blood work (7 ginormous vials of blood were taken).   Yesterday, we finally had a consult to discuss some of the blood work and the HSG.  The HSG was not much to worry about.  I do have a dip in the top of my uterus.  I can have surgery to smooth that out, but it is not necessary unless perfectly healthy babies start dying in my womb.  We also discussed one of my tests that came back.

This test was a repeat.  Back in June we tested my Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH).  Normal is anything 1.5 and above.  Mine was a .65.  So not good.  The new test results were worse, .22.

My RE is still positive that we can have a successful pregnancy, but believes that it would be best to take Clomid again to increase the chances of releasing a healthy egg and hoping that a healthy egg gets fertilized.

It seems, from what I’ve read about others experiences, that once you have such a low AMH, the next step is IVF.  But since I don’t have problems getting pregnant and because I ovulate regularly with a regular cycle, the RE isn’t keen on IVF yet.

A part of yesterday’s consult, I had another ultrasound in which they just checked for cysts or any other abnormalities before starting Clomid.  We did get to see the egg that would be released this ovulation cycle, so that was kind of cool.  Would be awesome if something came of it.

The doctor side of all this is tough enough, but it all comes with the mental and emotional parts that are just so hard to deal with sometimes.

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