17 January 2014

The year of motivation and momentum...

I heard someone call 2014 that and I thought it was very fitting.

So part of my goals (like everyone) for 2014 is to really concentrate on my health and weight.  I have always been the kind of person who needs some sort of strict guidelines in order to stick with it.  I've also learned that if it's too strict, I can't stick with it.  So where's the happy middle?

Maybe Weight Watchers?

I talked my sister into giving it a go with me.  She's done it before and had some success.  We've been doing it hard this week.  She's already lost 6 1/2 pounds...I've lost.... ONE.  Ugh.

Anyway.  I'm eating more fruits and veggies and I actually cooked a couple meals the other day form a WW cook book, and I have to say, I do feel better.  I feel like I could be a lighter weight person.  I also feel like this is something I can stick with (remember, it is just week one and we're not even through it yet), although I've had some mad cravings for King Cake.

I really enjoyed finding the recipes in the cook book and going to the store sans husband and buying the ingredients I needed for the recipes.  I know I have some things to cook and the recipes I've tried so far have been quite nummy.  Also, it's been pretty easy finding meat substitutes for the recipes in order to make them vegetarian.  The only real problem I've run into is being able to find the low fat/fat free ingredients at the grocery store.  Colorado don't play that.

So we'll see how things continue to go.  Here's wishing us luck!

1 comment:

  1. I've had a couple of friends who did WW and have been really successful. They've lived the lifestyle for over a year now. I think it's a well balanced diet that gives you the opportunity to splurge from time to time so you don't feel so restricted. Good luck! You can do it!
