16 December 2012

Oh, beeteetubbs

I quit....

but I already have a babysitting job lined up that pays me twice as much....so I'm not too torn up about it.  And....we get to go to Iowa for Christmas...

I think I made a mistake...

I bought skinny jeans....

I look like a meatballs on toothpicks....This was too embarrassing to post as a Facebook status....

Although, Ed, my mom, and a BFF said they look pretty cute.... I'll wear them....sometimes...

13 December 2012

How do you....

quit a job?  Especially, when you don't want to give them the professional 2 weeks notice?  I basically had the final straw today at the big ole craft store (we're not supposed to say the name of it on social media, especially if we're not saying positive things. Not that I think my blog, with a whole readership of 2 will have any affect on said craft store).

After just a few weeks of working there, they wanted to promote me to manager....I guess because the current management can't get it under the control, and I had control of the front in in a few short weeks.  But then the big boss came in and made a bunch of cuts, so I actually didn't get promoted.

I feel like I work too hard, for too little.  I'm always available when then need me and when they say jump, I generally ask how high?  They've been able to call me in on my day off and I've been there.  They also ask me to stay late all the time, which I do, no questions asked.  They give me tasks that they expect to get done while I serve the customers.  and I do. and I do it well. and fast.  So fast, they bring me more stuff to do and comment on how other employees can't get their acts together and do anything.

Well, today, after having arranged everything with another employee to have Saturday off, because I haven't had a Saturday off since I started working, it all fell through.  I had asked another employee to switch with me, which she agreed to.  Then I asked the manager to change it on the schedule to make it official.

The next morning, I noticed that it had not been changed.  So I asked the employee again if it was ok, she agreed again, and then I told the manager again.  So after about  FIVE days of this, I asked again and the manager said, oh well the employee said she might not be able to switch, ask again.  So I did.  And of course, the employee now says she couldn't.

Has the manager switched it five days ago when I asked the first time and all was agreed to, I wouldn't have to worry about finding someone to "cover my shift."  Which two management members told me, very rudely, that I still had to do.

Had Manager1 taken care of everything, I would be all set.  I already tried to get my shift covered.  Manager1 didn't carry it out on her end, confusing the employee who then went ahead and made plans for Saturday.

It's not hard.  I mean, had manager1 (who is the hiring manager and makes the schedules) had done her job in a timely manner, you know, like I am expected to do and DO do, then I would not have gotten the shaft, like I ALWAYS do!

So therefore, after lining about some better paying jobs, in which I work less and get paid almost double, I would like to quit Craftstore without giving two weeks, because I don't need them as a reference.  And they can have the shaft!

(Although, I feel bad, because they probably get the shaft every day by other more incompetent employees.  annnnnd it's the holiday season.......grrrrrrr...bah, humbug.)

29 November 2012

Not my dream job...

So, since moving to Colorado, I’ve been applying to all kinds of jobs.  At first I had high standards: something in education, teaching, community college, advising, etc.  Then we realized we couldn’t pay the bills if I couldn’t find a job.  So I lowered my standards some and applied to still academic, but not great positions.  Still nothing.  So I took to the retail market and started applying to places I might like to shop: whole foods, craft stores, banks, secretary positions, etc.

Well, something took.  I had applied to a craft store and low and behold, they called me the next day.  I went in for the interview, and literally answered every questions with a shy smiles and “Glitter!”  meeeehhhhhhhhhhh  Anyway, they gave me the job.  It was past a certain deadline so they could only hire me as seasonal and I could only make minimum wage, which in Colorado is 7.64$ an hour.  Shoot me.

But I took it.  Cause we need money.  Need to pay bills. Need to have some standard of living beyond figuring out which bill we could pay this month, or if we could go to the doctor or not, etc.

So after the first two weeks of working my rear off for 4 hours a day, 4-5 days a week, admittedly, not very much but tiring none the less, I got my first pay check…..wait for it….

Under 200$.

So I gave up that much of my time for under 200$?????????????


But every little bit helps, so I continued working…giving it my all, all that jazz….and after four weeks of working, the store manager comes to me all hush, hush secretive and all, and asks, “Hey, what do you think about becoming a manager here?”  Well I think I’d make a lot more than LESS than 200$ every two weeks!

So yeah, 4 weeks as a part time, SEASONAL employee, and they want to make me a manager….

Still have to figure everything out though.  Not even sure if I can do it with two classes and a practicum next semester.  But the money would be nice.

07 November 2012

My reaction: Election 2012

I don’t like to get political.  My family and I disagree over politics, religion, and other facets of life.  I don’t like to argue with them about any of it.  As I am willing to see both sides, I will talk to them if they are.  But anyone with the, “Now the world will end!” attitude, I don’t have anything to say.

That being said, with the election over, I feel confident that our country made the correct decision.  I think the correct way to do something usually takes time and four years to turn a nation around with people fighting you every step of the way would take a lot more than four years.  Hopefully we can see more positive changes in our country that will help everyone and keep our country moving forward. I also think a lot of the problems our country has starts at home, before kids even get to school.  I’m also glad that women’s rights will not be set back 50 (or more) years.

What I do find disconcerting is the way some people are reacting to the decision that was made, as a country.  You can claim all you want that the world is ending, that you’re moving to Canada, Australia, Europe, etc. (which is hilarious in its own), or that you’re going to quit working and have 10 babies.  You’re not. The world is not going to end (I mean come on.  How many times has that been predicted?).  You aren’t going to move.  And most likely you’re not going to quit your job and started pushing out kids by the bajillions.  But hey, if you do quit your job, maybe I can get it!

I have seen more disrespect from Americans towards this president than ever before.  It’s shameful.  This is the guy, who WE elected as a country.  If this man was white, he would have never received such blatant disrespect that he has been shown these last few years.  I understand if you don’t agree with him, but come on people, this is 2012. 

Another thing, more general and less on the election (however it has increased with the nearing of the election), is other countries “jokes” and “cracks” at the United States.  Sure, there is a lot wrong with us.  Sure, we’re not perfect.  Don’t be a bully. We all make mistakes, make decisions that we think are “good” at the time but turn out bad. Let’s work together to make things better.

I did want to add some quotes from Facebook last night.  I am really proud to call some of these people my friends.  But their messages to the Facebook world kind of shows you what else was going on.  I didn’t post anything because these people said it better than I ever could have:

Example 1:

Okay, friends. Let's get real.

The leader of the free world doesn't actually have the power to ruin our country. You do.

If you spend instead of save. If you see someone in need, and pass them by. If you have an opinion/ a concern/ a thought - and you keep it to yourself instead of emailing your congressman. In this world - you can text or Facebook them! If you choose to be wasteful. If you
choose to buy something made from a foreign country when you could buy something made in the USA - it is hard to do, but you can try.

Mother Teresa called us to stop waiting on leaders. She said that we should serve others one by one - each day taking one more step to making things better.

So I'm issuing that same challenge to you - and to myself. If you want our country to be great - then make it that way.

However, if you are going to sit behind the comfort of your computer screen and complain and place blame - never stopping to think for a second that you could be part of the problem or trying to be part of the solution - then you aren't doing anything but wasting time and hot air.

Our president can't do anything without the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Sentate and the House will do what they think is best for the people they serve -- and who give them their jobs. If you want change - tell some one until they listen. If you want to complain, keep posting on Facebook. Doing so will accomplish the same amount of change as rocking in a chair. You'll be busy - but you won't get anything done.

Example 2:

Poise is grace under pressure; class is handling a letdown with dignity.
If you were disappointed tonight, that's fine by me. Just keep it classy, folks.

Example 3:

Hey, friends, family, all of you. Whether your candidate won or not, we are all Americans. We are all in this together. And unless you actually leave the country, which we all know you won't, how about we work toward a better future for everyone, and not just those who vote the same as you? How about you spend as much time actively working toward the changes you want to see as you do on FB bitching about it. I look forward to making this a better place for all Americans to live.

And some examples of why I’m disappointed:

Australia looks good to me right now. The us should just have a door mat that reads welcome to the us, the land of nothing we'll screw you over

I'm sorry for the secret service agents. I surely wouldnt take a bullet for him. Glad y'all will. I can't even sleep I'm so confused and upset. Wow.

And one of my favorite ones, which has since been taken down from Facebook so I don’t have a word for word:  someone first called everyone stupid and then recanted asking everyone to pray….

pot, kettle


01 November 2012

The Job Market

Finding a job can be difficult: national unemployment is at 7.8 percent, food and gas prices keep climbing while wages stay the same. These "challenges" as I shall refer to them from now on, are simply obstacles to YOUR "American Dream" which can, and must be overcome...sure it will take blood, sweat, and many tears, but challenges can be beaten. It might take clawing, biting, and all the strength a person a muster to continue fighting the job market, but YOU CAN WIN. Below are a few things that helped my while I was looking for a job as an unemployed graduate student in the Spring of 2010.

Focus on measurable, tangible, goals/results. Spending your time worrying about the jobs that you did not get eats away at your ability to apply for the next job, and the next. For example, when I was unemployed, rather then worrying about how to pay the bills next month, I told myself to spend at least one hour a day researching, rewriting resumes/cover letters, and psychically applying for jobs. Focus on the amount of time spent applying, not on how many job offers you do not get.

DO NOT READ REJECTION LETTERS/EMAILS. Who the hell cares if you did not get the job? Forget those people that did not hire you and focus your attention on the other millions of people/companies/schools out there that have not met you yet. Show them, by applying for their job, that you are not defeated, the job market has not claimed another victim, but created a survivor!

Have realistic expectations. Do not worry about job titles, salary or status when applying for jobs. Apply for EVERYTHING! Beating the job market requires a commitment to playing the numbers game. As a friend of mine always says, "finding a job is like hitting on people in a bar, you keep hitting on everyone, playing the field, until something happens".

When, notice I said when, you get an interview for ANY job, even if you do not want it, that is a WIN! There are millions of people on the job market right now, and the fact you got an interview mean you are the best of the best. Some positions have hundreds of applicants, so for you to get an interview has meaning.

Finally, and most important, realize being unemployed is a temporary moment in your life. Very few, and I mean VERY few people spend the rest of their life unemployed living under a bridge. This is not to minimize how difficult the job market can be or the experience of the people who DO end up living under a bridge. But in general people are unemployed for 6 months to a year from the date they start looking. 6 months of anxiety,  depression and anger about being unemployed seems worth it for a job/career that meets your financial, emotional, and human needs. Also realize you are not alone in this fight, friends, family and spouses can provide much needed support during your transition from a frustrated, unemployed grad student to an overworked, unappreciated, but realistically happy,  member of the AMERICAN WORKFORCE!

Good luck on your fight against the job market,

Edward R Burton, Former Unemployed Grad Student.

28 October 2012


Now I have 8 job applications out, all for things I would love to do.  I have yet to hear back from any of them. wahhhhhhhhhhh..... crossing my fingers for this last application!

Update: make that 6 application out....pot is narrowing...

17 October 2012

Checking in: Remember those 2012 words?

Well I forgot about them..

So here is the original list and an update on what we've covered so far and what we're sucking at.

Flourish - errr we got a new dog?  No, we're sucking at this.  I need a job.

Sparkle - WTF? Why did I put this on here.  Oh I know, a student of mine gave me some sparkly eye shadow.  Annnnd I might decorate some pine cones with glitter for Christmas...more on that if it happens

Joy - It's hit and miss.  Yay, Colorado.  Boo, no job. Yay, puppy.  Boo, puppy pees everywhere. Yay, nope...nope, no yay. Boooooo, still no job.

Hope - I still hope I get a job.
(more on Hope, Believe, Persevere, Inspire, Growth, Joy, Cherish, and Positive here)

Believe - I believe that we're going to be fucked, if I don't get a job,

Positive - I am positive we're going to be fucked if I don't get a job. :D

Adventure - already covered.  Find it here.

Nurture - Err...I'm nurturing the new puppy?

Courage - Ok, well this might be half way real.  I need to find the courage to keep going on this job hunt.  It's sad.  It's really sad not to have a job, to be highly educated, and to not even get interviews.  So I'm trying to find the courage to keep up the job hunt.

New- We moved to Colorado and got a new puppy.  Lots of new going on. Check our more details on the new stuff going on here.

Commitment - you can read about that back at that link with Adventure.

Change, Learn, and Prepare - you can find here.

So I think that brings us to the last one: Listen - I really think we need to start listening more to our hearts and what we believe will be best for us.  Maybe this is more for me.  I seem to just go with the flow to try to make the process easier without causing ripples.  Maybe I need to jump in make a big splash.  Maybe I need to blaze the tail for once.  Do what I feel is right for us.  I think listening to my heart would be a good start.

So I think that covers all the words for 2012.  And hey! It's only October!

Not sure if I'll do words for 2013 or not.  Maybe I'll set 12 goals to accomplish, one for each month in 2013.  Maybe from my 101 Things List (that I'm still working on).  That might help me to stay on track and actually make changes.

11 October 2012

The Shiba Shit List

So Atticus and Ebba have been getting along pretty well.  We still keep them separated for the most part, but they get to play just about every day for about 20 minutes.

Since they've gotten easier to walk together, I've been taking both Ebba and Atticus out at the same time.  They do pretty well.  Usually Atticus is pretty quick with taking care of his business.  Ebba on the other hand is very particular.  She has to find the perfect spot, one for peeing and another perfect spot for pooing.

And anyone who knows Ebba, knows she's not a morning dog.  She's totally happen not rolling out of bed until 11 a.m. or even later.  She then goes and finds a spot to curl up in before every thinking about having to go outside.  Maybe around noon, she'll decide to prance around and want to go out.  So this whole getting up with the new kid on the block isn't much fun for her.  She gets pissy when I drag her from her box to go out at 7:30 a.m.  Needless to say, she's not a happy camper that early in the morning.

So this morning I bundle up, head outside with both dogs and begin the routine.  Atticus immediately pees in his pee spot.  We turn the corner and head down to the park.  Before we cross the street to the park, Atticus tries to et the wood chips around the trees.  We cross the street and Atticus decides to "eliminate" immediately.  So we stop, I get my bag ready, and make sure Ebba is close enough that I can stop of the sidewalk and pick up Atticus' deposit.

Ebba was being pretty good this morning.  I bent over to pick up what Atticus had left, and I notice this Shiba Inu, running down the sidewalk.  In the process, I stuck my thumb in Atticus' shit.  I turn around and look where her harness lay on the ground and find no Ebba.  I look back up.  She looks back at me and picks up speed.

So there I am, standing with Atticus and a shit bag with shit on my thumb and Ebba hightailing it down the sidewalk.  And Shibas are known for running and never coming back.  So I started to panic.  I tried to get the shit of my thumb but noticed that by then, I had it on the handle of Ebba's leash.  So I rubbed my thumb in the grass and that got enough off that I wouldn't spread it anymore.  Ebba has really only made it half way down the sidewalk, but I'm not a fast person.

But I took off anyway.  I noticed that every time Ebba looked back and saw me and Atticus running at her, she picked up her pace.  A few steps ahead, the lawn guys had planted a new tree and it had those strong stakes in the ground to hold it.  Thinking that if I didn't have Atticus, maybe she would slow down?  Or even come to me? HA! Lies! But i looped Atticus' leash over the tall stake and ran towards Ebba, dropping Atticus' poop in the poop receptacle as I went.

I was half way to her when I looked back and saw Atticus flailing on the stake.  I panicked again.  What if he gets loose too!!  But he was still on the stake, and had his harness and leash on, unlike Ebba who had sneakily, without me noticing wriggled out of hers.  So I kept going.  Ebba rounded the corner at the park and went a little further before her fluffy ass squatted to pee.  She was just finished peeing as I reached her, and she stood up to run away again.  I yelled at her, which I think scared her and she looked at me, which gave me time to grab her.  She was non too happy, but neither was I, so I didn't care.

I managed to ger her harness back on her and started turning back.  Then I was like, OH SHIT, Atticus!  So I put some pep in my step and rounded the corner to find him calmly waiting by the stake.  He just sat there and looked at me like, "Yeah, you thought I was going to run away too.  Ha, fooled you! I'm the good one!"  As I approached him, he sat up with a look of pure satisfaction on his little puppy face.

So I gathered him up, and we continued on our poop walk. Little Bitch still needed to poop and we usually walk around the little park.  So even though I was shaking and my heart was pounding, we continued around the park.  Although I really just wanted to turn around and stick Little Bitch in the bathroom the rest of the day.  But we walked the park.  Ebba pooped.  Atticus pooped again. And all was right in the Whittington-Burton Doggens Household.

Of course, once we make it back inside, Ebba has no clue that she has done wrong and lies down with her little dainty paws sticking out in front of her.  It's like she's mocking me, "No, mom.  I AM an angel.  That must have all been your imagination."

I'm a perfect angel, mom.  I couldn't have done that.  I mean, look at the white light behind me...angel.  That's me!

She is officially on my shit list today.

07 October 2012

Alexis vs. failing at the job market

So currently I have  seven job applications out.  Some part time, some full time, all at colleges or universities, all in the fields of study abroad, international student services, or German, all of which I am highly interested in.  now, if I could just get one of said jobs.  Preferably one that is full time.  Or two part time jobs.I just need a job that doesn't make me feel like my life is worthless.  I reuse to work at McDonalds, but If i don't get a real job soon, I'm going to have to start applying to similar places.

I just really need a job...so I can stop hating myself, so I can stop feeling worthless, so we can pay our bills, and most importantly so I can stop going through these phases of being mad at Ed for taking me away from my first real job.  Even though working in Vicksburg was not ideal, it still made me feel like I was making a difference.  Like I had a purpose in life.

I always feel like we could have made Vicksburg work.  We had planned at one point to possibly live there.  I mean, I even did a little house hunting.  Ed was going to move there and get certified to teach history and business.  We would have been two working teachers (probably by now) and maybe on the serious house hunt.  We could have been more serious about house hunting...houses there, really cute ones in decent neighborhoods, were cheap.  We could seriously be trying to have babies.

Sometimes I feel like Ed took this little life plan/dream away from me.  It's days like today that I feel this way.  When job applications are awful and I get pissed that I'm having to fill so many out without any hope of actually getting the job.

At the time, and sometimes we regret moving here, but he thought it was the best option.  I mean, I was going through a lot and told him anything that got me out of Vicksburg would be great.  But those were things I said because I thought that's what he wanted to hear.  I'll never know if I would have truly felt that way because I had so many extenuating circumstances that were affecting how I felt about the whole experience.  For example: 1) I was living away form my husband. 2) Living conditions were never ideal, I was living with a family, that although very accepting, just didn't feel right.  Then I moved in with a fellow teacher and that didn't quite work out as expected, although better because I was no longer commuting. 3) For the first half of the year I was commuting 45 min one way. 4) I didn't have any of MY things with me.  No books, half my clothes, no ironing board, no dishes, nothing that was really my own.  And you don't want to buy things because you actually do have them, just not in the state with you.  Extra frustrating.  5) It was my first real job, and teaching at a Title I school, so having all of the other circumstances in addition just made it super stressful.

So it's hard to say if I would have really hated it at much as I felt like I did at the time.  I'm trying to decide what I hate more, that experience or the experience of not knowing if your bills will get back in a few months and you can't make any progress towards you life goals because you don't have a job even though you have a shit ton of education that at this point in your life is more of a burden than actually doing any good.  I've got the education to do these jobs, the burden of student loans, the pressure of failing my family, and failing life goals.

05 October 2012

Please excuse me if you offend easily...

if you do, you might just want to stop reading now.  This is my blog, I have like three readers, and I can say whatever the hell I want.

I wanted the original title of this to be "Go FUCK yourselves!" but thought that a bit harsh.

This is probably not the best time to be writing this, we don't know all the facts, but...

for all of you who can just "whoops I'm pregnant!" or " try and conceive and then complain every day on Facebook and what not about how little Johnny did this or that....go fuck yourselves.  I'm about to start going through my Facebook posts and ever time I see someone who complains about their kid, I'm going to unfriend them.

Not everyone is as lucky as you are and are able to just pop out kids.  Some of us have a monthly reminder that it might be impossible and seeing all the posts about how ungrateful you are because your kid did ____ is just kind of selfish.  So you know what, go fuck yourself.

Then, there are the people who post shit like this:

to you people, I say go fuck yourselves.  Basically you're saying that I may never know love, and that's total bullshit.

And to the others of you who post and say shit like this:

Guess what, you can go fuck yourselves too.

We don't know all the details.  We're still trying to work stuff out.  But just because you have been fortunate, don't be so selfish to believe that others have as well.  Try to be a little more sensitive...or...GO FUCK YOURSELF!

15 August 2012

le tired...

I need to post about our new addition....but he keeps me busy...and tired...so tired....and covered in pee... but here he is, Atticus Stark (still trying to figure out a full register-able name).

He's cute. We love him. Ebba might hate him...a little.

22 July 2012

two turntables and a microphone?

How about one turntable?

Hookay, so my grandmother has this really cook record player console.  I've always loved it.  Loved the sound coming out of it. Loved the process of using it.  Loved the time spent around it with family.

By the time I was old enough to actually realize how much I appreciated the record player, both my older brother and sister had already laid claim to it.  So being that I have no chance on inheriting it, I've been looking into record players myself.

I started of course with Craig's List.  I soon realized that most record players on Craig's List would need restoration or be waaaaaay out of our price range.  But, I wanted something that looked old/retro/vintage/antique (just pick one).

I then went to trusty Amazon and only found those big clunky wooden looking things that are replicas of something that may have been old.  But to me, they're too gimmicky/fake looking.  Like this one.

Found here. Not my style at all.

I kept googling "record player," "phonograph," and "turntable," but nothing came up that I liked the look of.  I kept thinking, " I've seen a really cool one somewhere, where was that????"  Remembering that it was some kind of store like Anthropologie or something.  Then I remembered, Urban Outfitters.

So quickly I went to the UO website and started looking.  Sure enough.  There it was.  Perfect color and everything.

I love just about everything about this record player.  Color, style, simplicity. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

But then I started wondering about it.  All the reviews are great.  But it doesn't have a am/fm radio.  So it's got my hung up.  Should I go with something like this?

Found here.
This guy has some pretty decent ratings and all the bells and whistles, while still being affordable.  But it's missing the style.

Sigh, what to do, what to do?

17 July 2012

mini breakdown?

So I'm having a little breakdown here.  I'll be 30 soon (end of October, that's soon enough) and I don't have a job.  But I don't want a damn job, I want a fucking career.  Sure, I'm certified to teach three and a half subjects, but I'm just not sure it's for me.  God knows the money isn't great (although any money would be great right now) and the hours are meh and the stress is AWFUL!  But I'd rather be doing that and gaining experience rather than job hunting and only finding things  like DSW Sales Associate, Whole Foods Cashier, or whatever office assistant job that comes up.  I hate the idea of all of this.  I want a career.  One that I don't' hate. One that pays decently so I can get Sallie Whoreface Mae of my back.

I thought that this was the whole point of going to school and taking out all those stupid loans, to have a successful career and not have to struggle like so many people who don't even go to any form of higher education.

Guess I was wrong.

16 July 2012


So when we were making the drive from natchez, MS to Broomfield, CO, I started feeling this tickle in my throat.  You know, the one you get right before your lungs betray you and you get bronchitis?   Yeah, that was what was happening.  Directly on arrive I had full blown bronchitis.  The hacking, coughing, snotting, choking, and even a little barfing as a result of all the hacking.  It was not fun.  On top of that, was the adjusting to the altitude.  Also, not fun.

I'll flat out say it, I'm fat.  So straight off, I already have things against me while adjusting to the altitude.  In Mississippi, I had been walking just about every day with a fellow teacher.  We walked about 4 miles a day.  Not bad in the sweltering Mississippi heat.  But then the walking slowed down as the busyness of the end of the school year picked up.  

The last couple of weeks, hell even month, I may have walked once...or twice, since I'm trying to be positive.  Then there was a buffer time in Natchez while I was packing up everything there and reorganizing things to be loading onto the moving-trailer.  Then of course the drive here, which now, looking back on it, wasn't sooooo bad.  I mean, there were miles and mies of nothing at some points of the drive, not something I want to do again any time soon.

Upon arrive and a week or so after, we were still trying to figure our apartment out.  Get all the necessities out of the way, get over bronchitis, and do the general I-just-moved-to-a-new-state-what-the-fuck-? stuff.  Now, almost five weeks since our arrive in on fire sunny Colorado, we're pretty much settled in.  We did the Craig's List/Furniture Search (you can read about that in the last post) and feel pretty good about the way the apartment is looking.

So now for the big Yay! that is the title of this post.  Finally, FINALLY, after settling in and getting over bronchitis, I almost feel like me again.  So much so, that I begged Ed to go for a walk with me after he got off work....and it felt GOOD.  

We didn't walk for long and we took Ebba with us, which meant a couple stops to potty.  But I had fun and want to make it a routine.  The biggest YAY of this whole post, I CAN BREATHE AND WALK AT THE SMAE TIME!  Not a big yay for many people and some people may even roll their eyes.  But it was a small accomplishment for me.  So Yay!

p.s. These posts always end up longer than I imagine when I start writing them.  I imagined this one to be like, four lines...

09 July 2012


Ok, so Ed and I have been toying with the idea of getting a puppy for MONTHS.  We have some concerns of course.  Our main concern is Ebba.  She's seven years old and kind of a bitch (not in the dog way).  We never really socialized Ebba with other dogs and she's not a fan of children.  We kinda feel bad for Ebba.  She lived with us in Illinois for the first two years we had her and then the poor little doggens had a pretty unstable life, back and forth between Florida for a year and Mississippi.  I think it was a little better for her when I lived in Vicksburg and could visit her every weekend.

Nooooowwwwww, we've moved her to Colorado.  She seems to be extremely happy to have her little family back together, although she does seem a little bored.  She LOVES sitting on the balcony and watching all the other dogs in the apartment neighborhood go by, like she's ruling over her domain.

We're just super worried that she won't like a new doggens running around, disrupting her peace and quiet, and turning her new little word upside down.

Even with all of the concerns, we've decided to move ahead.  We debated breeds for a couple months, lab, golden, husky, lab, husky, malamute, lab, husky.  Searching for breeders with pups at the right timing and somewhat fitting our budget helped decide what kind of doggens we were going to add to our home.

We were seriously considering a lab, but it didn't look like it was going to work out, so we started researching Huskies a little more.  That's when I found Elizabeth with Progressive K9 Training and Kennels.  I started emailing her, trying to ask all the right questions (like are there any available???) to see if it was even possible for us to get a puppy.

After emailing back and forth with Elizabeth, and after Ed talked with her on the phone, we decided to pull the trigger. We picked out a puppy!  and sent in the deposit.  There were so many little puppies to choose from.  Of course, we were looking for male and it turns out the options were wide open.  We narrowed it down to three.
The breeder had these guys named (in order) Offbeat, Nisbit, and Nero.  It took a lot of consideration and emailing back and forth with Elizabeth, asking her questions about their personalities.  We eventually decided on Nisbit.  Here are the pictures we've gotten of him since we made the decision.

Annnnnnd yes, he is peeing in that last photo.  That's our puppy!

The next order os business is picking out a name.  Ebba's full name is Mighty Miss Ebba Jean Lucille.  Mighty Miss - for the Mississippi River, Ebba - something German, Jean - my best friend's middle name, Lucille - a reference to a Waylon Jenning's song, "Lucille, you won't do your daddy's will," because she's stubborn.

So we're trying to come up with something just as meaningful as Ebba's full name.  So far we have Atticus Stark.  Atticus for the lawyer in one of our favorite books, To Kill a Mockingbird. Stark is both a German word meaning big/strong and a literary reference to a series of Ed's favorite books, Game of Thrones.

Even though Atticus Stark seems kind of final, we don't feel like the name is complete, so we're still working on it.  Suggestions?

Can't wait to meet the little guy at the end of the month!

On settling in….

So we are FINALLY getting settled in.  It’s starting to feel a lot more like we actually live here.  This past week Ed’s family came to visit.  So in order to prepare for them, we had to get a lot done.  Also, we were finally able to get some more furniture to help with storage and décor.  All but one piece of our “new” furniture was bought from Craig’s List.  The other piece was bought from a store I found via Craig’s List.

Here’s what we got:

A small dresser for Ed’s closet ($30)
Two accent chairs for the living room ($30, yes! for both!) 
China Cabinet ($50)
And the amazing antique dresser that we splurged on ($150)
Day Bed and brand new mattress ($200)
Even though our guest room and guest closet are acting as a storage unit right now because we still need bookshelves and to unpack a crap ton of boxes, we are definitely feeling more settled in.  So here’s what it looked like before Ed’s family arrived:
The view from the front door.
When you walk through the door, you have the washer/dryer immediately to your right and you can see some of the dining table, all of the kitchen, and into the living room and bedroom.
The Dining "Room"
When Ed's family came, they brought out other two chairs for the table...and you can see the china cabinet in the background of the dining area.  We plan to paint if some cool color and put some kind of design in the back of it.  It also has a light in it...hehe...kind of corny but cool.
The Kitchen
Just the standard apartment kitchen.  We think it's really nice.  But there's not much to do to it.  We did add two chairs to the island.  It's not actually meant to sit at, we don't' think, but we like to sit there.
The Photo Wall
Right between the kitchen and dining area, Ed and I made a photo wall.  Of course we have to change the pictures around and at some art.  We've actually added some cookbooks to the top of it already (one more unpacked box! YAY!)  And that is our awesome antique dresser.  We put the knobs back on it and cleaned it up a bit.  We still don't know yet if we want to paint or stain it, but we LOVE it!
The Living Room
So it's looking a little bare and cramped right now.  That's our new IKEA couch.  and you can see Ebba's bed on the right.  On the left if little big brother's bed (can't wait to get him!).  You can see one of our new chairs.  And even though that coffee table is not our style at all (if you look around, you can tell we don't really have ONE style) IT WAS FREE!.  I was thinking of maybe changing the legs on, painting it, and possibly adding some cool design on top.  I still can't believe that the two chairs were only 30$ for both!  We plan on recovering them in a funky fabric and painting them.
This is the rest of the living area.  We need to acquire/hang art, hang curtains, and just really figure it out a little more.  That sliding glass for leads to the patio.
The Master Bedroom
So the door next to the picture wall obviously heads into the master bedroom.  Not much to see here. Still need to hang some art and decorate a little, but it's pretty much set.
The Master Bath
Off the master bedroom, down a little hallway past the TWO walk in closets, is the master bath.  We added a little extra storage which has been really helpful....and behind that shower curtain is a ginormous tub (soaking tub?) that even Ed can enjoy!

Back through the living room and off the dining are is a little hallway that had a guest bath and a linen closet and leads to the guest bedroom.
So it kinda looks like crap.  We prepared it for Grammy and Karen to sleep in there while they were here.  We also bought a trundle to go under the daybed for extra comfort for guests.  It's not ideal for couples, but for having such a small space, we needed a space saving option, so it works for us.  notice that they also gave us the bedding for the daybed that they had.  We washed it and it's all good.  

Since Ed's family left, he has rearranged the room, moving his bike in with the indoor trainer and his weights.  So it's kind of man-ed up in there.

While Ed's family was here we did add a couple lamps.  They were on sale at Lowe's and since they aren't perfect for what I want (they are a nice style, wrong colors), I plan on spiffying them up a bit too. So if you're reading this post correctly, I have a lot of projects to do!

For those of you not keeping up on Facebook, you'll notice I mentioned little big brother.  I'll post on him later!